Supporting skill and knowledge development to meet real workplace needs

Exemplar Learning is committed to making skill development as effective and efficient as possible.

Working with a range of industry partners, Exemplar Learning provides bespoke training, assessment and student management services to a variety of clients. Contact us to discuss how we can help you today


(02) 6262 7055



Exemplar Learning offers a wide range of products for those in the electrotechnology sector under the Energy Space brand. The range streches from apptitude testing for sector aspirants, through apprenticeship and post-trade training, to helping existing workers maintain thier currency with online short courses.

Click below to find out more…

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Exemplar Learning is proud to be working with a number of RTO partners in Victoria and Tasmania to develop a common curriculum and assessment system for plumbing apprentices.

Resources are now available for over 30 units, with more coming on board each month. The full Certificate III qualification will be available by the end of 2021.

Click below to find out more…

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Workplace evidence collection

The program (available on Andriod, iOS and online) records an apprentices activities ‘on-the-job’ including the level of supervision they are working under, the range of equipment they use and the tasks they complete.

This information informs a skills profile which is used by the RTO as evidence to support an assessment of competence.

Click below to find out more…

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Information and Communications Technology

Exemplar Learning is proud to be working with a number of RTO partners in Victoria and Tasmania to develop a common curriculum and assessment system for apprentices and trainees in ICT.

Click below for more information and don’t forget to sign up to our mailing list to stay up to date with our progress!

Blended Learning resources for COVID19 training

Exemplar Learning is proud of its partnership with Aspire Learning Resources to develop Blended Learning resources for HLTINFCOV001 – Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures.

The resources allow for flexible delivery of theory, with lots of feedback to ensure learners are on track, as well as guided practicle activities and summative assessment to help teachers delivery face to face.

Resources are available to RTOs at very competitve rates.

Minimum Australian Context Gap (MACG)

Exemplar Learning has developed learning and assessment resources to support the Accredited Courses for Australian Minimum Context Gap for OTSR Holders developed by E-Oz Energy Skills Australia.


Working Safely with Asbestos Containing Materials (10852NAT) is a nationally accredited course designed to support tradespeople (and those in ancialliary occupations) required to penetrate asbestos as part of thier job.

The course was developed and accredited by E-Oz Energy Skills Australia in response to an identified need from industry and government to bridge the gap from Asbestos Awareness and Asbestos removal.


Melbourne Polytechnic PDF


Who is using Exemplar Learning?

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