Available Resources – Plumbing

CPC32413 – Certificate III in Plumbing

Currently Available

CPCPDR2021A Locate and clear blockages (3.0)

CPCPDR2024A Install stormwater and sub-soil drainage systems (R3.0)

CPCPDR2025A Drain worksite (R3.0)

CPCPDR2026A Install prefabricated inspection openings and enclosures (R3.0)

CPCPDR3021A Plan layout of a residential sanitary drainage system (R3.0)

CPCPDR3022A Install below ground sanitary drainage systems (R3.0)

CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry (R3.0)

CPCPCM2039A Carry out workplace communication (R3.0)

CPCPCM2040A Read plans and calculate plumbing quantities (R3.0)

CPCPRF3022A Fabricate and install roof drainage components (3.0)

CPCPCM2041A Work effectively in the plumbing and services sector (R3.0)

CPCPCM2043A Carry out WHS requirements (3.0)

CPCPCM2045A Handle and store plumbing materials (3.0)

CPCPCM2046A Use plumbing hand and power tools (R3.0)

CPCPCM2047A Carry out levelling (R3.0)

CPCPCM2048A Cut and join sheet metal (R3.0)

CPCPCM2049A Cut using oxy-LPG-acetylene equipment & CPCPCM2052A Weld using oxy-acetylene equipment (R3.0) **CLUSTER

CPCPCM2050A Mark out materials (R3.0) & CPCPCM3021A Flash penetrations through roofs and walls (R3.0) **CLUSTER

CPCPCM2053A Weld using manual metal arc welding equipment (R3.0)

CPCPCM2054A Carry out simple concrete and rendering (R3.0)

CPCPCM3022A Weld polyethylene and polypropylene pipes using fusion method (R3.0)

CPCPCM3023A Fabricate and install non-ferrous pressure piping (R3.0)

CPCPSN3022A Install discharge pipe (R3.0)

CPCPIG2021A Design domestic urban irrigation systems & CPCPIG3021A – Set out, install and commission irrigation systems & CPCPIG3022A – Install and commission domestic irrigation pumps & CPCPWT3027A – Connect irrigation systems from drinking water supply **CLUSTER

CPCPWT3021A Set out and install water services (R3.0)

CPCPWT3028A Install water services (R3.0)

CPCPWT3029A Install water pipe systems (R3.0)

Available for Delivery in January 2021

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