Available Resources – Electrical

UEE20 Training Package Units

  • UEERA0092 Solve problems in low voltage refrigeration and air conditioning circuits (R1.0)

  • UEECO0007 Participate in electronics and communications work and competency development activities (R1.0)

  • UEECO0010 Participate in refrigeration and air conditioning work and competency development activities

  • EG006EL0024 – UEE30820 Phase 2 Gap Training – Fault Finding Motors (R1.0)

  • EG033EL8910 – UEE30820 Phase 2 Gap 2.1 – Fault Finding Heating, Lighting and Socket Outlets (R1.0)

  • ICTICT214 Operate application software packages (R1.0)

  • ICTWHS204 Follow work health and safety and environmental policy and procedures (R1.0)

  • RIIWHS204E Work safely at heights (R1.0)

  • UEEAS0001 Assemble electronic components (R1.0)

  • UEEAS0004 Select electronic components for assembly (R1.0)

  • UEEAS0007 Assemble, mount and connect control gear and switchgear (R1.0)

  • UEEAS0009 Mount and wire control panel equipment (R1.0)

  • UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace (R1.0)

  • UEECD0009 Carry out routine work activities in an energy sector environment (R1.0)

  • UEECD0016 Document and apply measures to control WHS risks associated with electrotechnology work (R1.0)

  • UEECD0019 Fabricate, assemble and dismantle utilities industry components (R1.0)

  • UEECD0020 Fix and secure equipment (R1.0)

  • UEECD0021 Identify and select components, accessories and materials for energy sector work activities (R4.0)

  • UEECD0025 Lay wiring/cabling and terminate accessories for extra-low voltage (ELV) circuits (R1.0)

  • UEECD0027 Participate in development and follow a personal competency development plan (R1.0)

  • UEECD0033 Produce products for carrying out energy sector work activities (R1.0)

  • UEECD0034 Produce routine tools/devices for carrying out energy sector work activities (R1.0)

  • UEECD0035 Provide basic instruction in the use of electrotechnology apparatus (R1.0)

  • UEECD0038 Provide solutions and report on routine electrotechnology problems (R1.0)

  • UEECD0042 Solve problems in ELV single path circuits (R1.0)

  • UEECD0043 Solve problems in direct current circuits (R1.0)

  • UEECD0044 Solve problems in multiple path circuits (R1.0)

  • UEECD0046 Solve problems in single path circuits (R1.0)

  • UEECD0051 Use drawings, diagrams, schedules, standards, codes and specifications (R1.0)

  • UEECD0052 Use of routine equipment/plant/technologies in an energy sector environment (R1.0)

  • UEECO0002 Maintain documentation (R1.0)

  • UEECO0017 Source and purchase material/parts for installation or service jobs (R1.0)

  • UEECO0023 Participate in electrical work and competency development activities (R1.0)

  • UEEDV0005 Install and maintain cabling for multiple access to telecommunication services (R1.0)

  • UEEDV0006 Install and modify optical fibre performance data communication cabling (R1.0)

  • UEEDV0008 Install, modify and verify coaxial and structured communication copper cabling (R1.0)

  • UEEEL0003 Arrange circuits, control and protection for electrical installations (R1.0)

  • UEEEL0005 Develop and connect electrical control circuits (R1.0)

  • UEEEL0008 Evaluate and modify low voltage heating equipment and controls (R1.0)

  • UEEEL0009 Evaluate and modify low voltage lighting circuits, equipment and controls (R1.0)

  • UEEEL0010 Evaluate and modify low voltage socket outlets circuits (R1.0)

  • UEEEL0012 Install low voltage wiring, appliances, switchgear and associated accessories (R1.0)

  • UEEEL0014 Isolate, test and troubleshoot low voltage electrical circuits (R1.0)

  • UEEEL0018 Select wiring systems and select cables for low voltage electrical installations (R1.0)

  • UEEEL0019 Solve problems in direct current (d.c.) machines (R1.0)

  • UEEEL0020 Solve problems in low voltage a.c. circuits (R1.0)

  • UEEEL0021 Solve problems in magnetic and electromagnetic devices (R3.0)

  • UEEEL0023 Terminate cables, cords and accessories for low voltage circuits (R1.0)

  • UEEEL0024 Test and connect alternating current (a.c.) rotating machines (R1.0)

  • UEEEL0025 Test and connect transformers (R1.0)

  • UEEEL0028 Conduct compliance and functional verification of electrical apparatus and existing circuits (R1.0)

  • UEEEL0039 Design, install and verify compliance and functionality of general electrical installations (R1.0)

  • UEEEL0047 Identify, shut down and restart systems with alternate supplies (R1.1)

  • UEEEL0049 Install and maintain emergency safety systems (R1.0)

  • UEEEL0076 Inspect, test and maintain emergency lighting systems (R1.0)

  • UEEIC0002 Assemble, enter and verify operating instructions in microprocessor equipped devices (R1.0)

  • UEEIC0013 Develop, enter and verify discrete control programs for programmable controllers (R1.0)

  • UEERA0035 Establish the basic operating conditions of air conditioning systems (R1.0)

  • UEERA0059 Prepare and connect refrigerant tubing and fittings (R1.0)

  • UEERE0001 Apply environmentally and sustainable procedures in the energy sector (R1.0)

  • UEERE0011 Design grid-connected photovoltaic power supply systems (R1.1)

  • UEERE0011-UEERE0016 (R1.1)

  • UEERE0016 Install, configure and commission LV grid-connected photovoltaic power systems (R1.1)

  • UEERE0020 Promote sustainable energy practices in the community (R1.0)

  • UEERE0021 Provide basic sustainable energy solutions for energy reduction in residential premises (R3.0)

  • UEERE0022 Solve basic problems in photovoltaic energy apparatus and systems (R1.0)

  • UEERE0049 Apply safe work practices in the rooftop solar industry (R1.0)

  • UEERE0050 Identify and isolate multiple supply systems (R1.1)

  • UEERE0054 Conduct site survey for grid-connected photovoltaic and battery storage systems (R1.0)

  • UEERE0060 Design grid-connected battery storage systems (R1.0)

  • UEERE0061 Design grid-connected photovoltaic power supply systems (R1.0)

  • UEERE0077 Install battery storage equipment power conversion equipment to grid (R1.0)

  • UEERE0077-UEERE0078 (R1.0)

  • UEERE0078 Install battery storage to power conversion equipment (R1.0)

  • UEERE0080 Install photovoltaic power conversion equipment to grid (R1.0)

  • UEERE0080-UEERE0081 (R1.0)

  • UEERE0081 Install photovoltaic systems to power conversion equipment (R1.0)

  • UEERE4001 Install, maintain and fault find battery storage systems for grid-connected photovoltaic systems (R1.0)

  • UEERL0001 Attach cords and plugs to electrical equipment for connection to a single phase 230 Volt supply (R1.0)

  • UEERL0002 Attach cords, cables and plugs to electrical equipment for connection to 1000 V a.c. or 1500 V d.c. (R1.0)

  • UEERL0003 Conduct in-service safety testing of electrical cord connected equipment and cord assemblies (R1.0)

  • UEERL0004 Disconnect – reconnect electrical equipment connected to low voltage (LV) installation wiring (R1.0)

  • UEERL0005 Locate and rectify faults in low voltage (LV) electrical equipment using set procedures (R1.0)

  • UETDRMP007 Perform rescue from a live low voltage panel (R1.0)

  • UETDRRF004 Perform rescue from a live LV panel (R1.0)

UEE11 Training Package Units

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Assembly Units

  • UEENEEA101A Assemble electronic components (R3.0)

  • UEENEEA102A Select electronic components for assembly (R3.0)

  • UEENEEA110A Assemble, mount and connect control gear and switchgear (R2.0)

  • UEENEEA113A Mount and wire control panel equipment (R1.2)

Commercial Units

  • UEENEEC001B Maintain documentation (R3.0)

  • UEENEEC002B Source and purchase material/parts for installation or service jobs (R1.0)

  • UEENEEC020B Participate in electrical work and competency development activities (R3.5)

Computer Systems Units

  • UEENEED101A Use computer applications relevant to a workplace (R4.0)

Cross-Discipline Units

  • UEENEEE020B Provide basic instruction in the use of electrotechnology apparatus (R3.0)

  • UEENEEE038B Participate in development and follow a personal competency development plan (R2.0)

  • UEENEEE101A Apply Occupational Health and Safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace (R4.0)

  • UEENEEE102A Fabricate, assemble and dismantle utilities industry components (R3.0)

  • UEENEEE103A Solve problems in ELV single path circuits (R3.5)

  • UEENEEE104A Solve problems in d.c. circuits (R3.5)

  • UEENEEE105A Fix and secure electrotechnology equipment (R3.0)

  • UEENEEE107A Use drawings, diagrams, schedules, standards, codes and specifications (R4.5)

  • UEENEEE130A Provide solutions and report on routine electrotechnology problems (R3.0)

  • UEENEEE137A Document and apply measures to control OHS risks associated with electrotechnology work (R3.5)

  • UEENEEE141A Use of routine equipment/plant/technologies in an energy sector environment (R3.0)

  • UEENEEE142A Produce products for carrying out energy sector work activities (R3.0)

  • UEENEEE143A Produce routine tools/devices for carrying out energy sector work activities (R3.0)

  • UEENEEE143A Produce routine tools/devices for carrying out energy sector work activities (R4.0)

  • UEENEEE148A Carry out routine work activities in an energy sector environment (R4.0)

  • UEENEEE179A Identify and select components, accessories and materials for energy sector work activities (R4.0)

Data and Voice Units

  • UEENEEF102A Install and maintain cabling for multiple access to telecommunication services (R3.0)

  • UEENEEF104A Install and modify performance data communication copper cabling (R3.0)

  • UEENEEF105A Install and modify optical fibre performance data communication cabling (R3.0)

Electrical Units

  • UEENEEG006A Solve problems in single and three phase low voltage machines (R3.5)

  • UEENEEG033A Solve problems in single and three phase low voltage electrical apparatus and circuits (R4.0)

  • UEENEEG063A Arrange circuits, control and protection for general electrical installations (R3.5)

  • UEENEEG101A Solve problems in electromagnetic devices and related circuits (R3.0)

  • UEENEEG102A Solve problems in low voltage AC circuits (R4.5)

  • UEENEEG103A Install low voltage wiring and accessories (R4.5)

  • UEENEEG104A Install appliances, switchgear and associated accessories for low voltage electrical installations (R3.5)

  • UEENEEG105A Verify compliance and functionality of low voltage general electrical installations (R4.0)

  • UEENEEG106A Terminate cables, cords and accessories for low voltage circuits (R3.5)

  • UEENEEG107A Select wiring systems and cables for low voltage general electrical installations (R3.5)

  • UEENEEG108A Trouble-shoot and repair faults in low voltage electrical apparatus and circuits (R3.5)

  • UEENEEG109A Develop and connect electrical control circuits (R3.5)

  • UEENEEG113A Install and maintain emergency safety systems (R2.5)

  • UEENEEG120A Select and arrange equipment for special LV electrical installations (R2.0)

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Units

  • UEENEEJ102A Prepare and connect refrigerant tubing and fittings (R1.1)

  • UEENEEJ104A Establish the basic operating conditions of air conditioning systems (R3.0)

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Units

  • UEENEEK112A Provide basic sustainable energy solutions for energy reduction in residential premises (R3.0)

  • UEENEEK125A Solve basic problems in photovoltaic energy apparatus and systems (R3.0)

  • UEENEEK135A Design grid connected photovoltaic power supply systems (3.5)

  • UEENEEK142A Apply environmentally and sustainable procedures in the energy sector (R3.0)

  • UEENEEK148A Install, configure and commission LV grid connected photovoltaic power systems (R3.5)

Restricted Electrical Units

  • UEENEEP010A Disconnect – reconnect appliances connected to low voltage installation wiring (R3.5)

  • UEENEEP012A Disconnect – reconnect composite appliances connected to low voltage installation wiring (R3.5)

  • UEENEEP013A Disconnect – reconnect control devices connected to low voltage installation wiring (3.5)

  • UEENEEP014A Disconnect – reconnect water heaters connected to low voltage installation wiring (R3.5)

  • UEENEEP015A Disconnect – reconnect motors connected to low voltage installation wiring (R3.5)

  • UEENEEP024A Attach cords and plugs to electrical equipment for connection to a single phase 230 Volt supply (R3.0)

  • UEENEEP026A Conduct in-service safety testing of electrical cord connected equipment and cord assemblies (3.0)

Minimum Australian Context Gap Units



  • NAT10809001 Apply Australian Work Health and Safety practices in the electrical workplace (R3.0)

  • NAT10809002 Document and apply control measures for Australian electrical workplace hazards and risks (R3.0)

  • NAT10809003 Apply Australian standards and requirements to solve LV a.c. circuits/systems problems (R3.0)

  • NAT10809004 Select protection devices and systems for low voltage circuits and apparatus (R3.0)

  • NAT10809005 Select wiring systems and cables for low voltage electrical installations (R3.0)

  • NAT10809006 Verify compliance, functionality and aspects critical to the safety of electrical installations (R3.0)


Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority Unit


22499VIC – Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Pre-vocational)

  • VU21544 Install a sustainable extra low voltage energy power system (R3.0)

  • VU22333 Perform intermediate engineering computations (R3.0)

  • VU22670 Provide an overview of the electrotechnology industry (R3.0)

  • VU22671 Use test instruments in the electrotechnology industry (R3.0)

  • VU22672 Carry out basic electrotechnology project (R3.0)

  • VU22673 Carry out basic network cabling for extra low voltage (ELV) equipment and devices (R3.0)

New Energy Technology Systems Units – Developed by Future Energy Skills

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22499VIC – Certificate II in Electrotechnology

  • VU22123 New Energy Technology Systems Course (R2.0)

  • VU22125 Design a grid-connected battery storage system to meet client requirements & UEERE4001 Install, maintain and fault find battery storage systems for grid-connected photovoltaic systems **CLUSTER

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